I’m always looking for texts to use with lower KS2 and have enjoyed reading Andy Shepherd‘s series of chapter books about what happens when Tomas discovers a strange tree at the bottom of his grandad’s garden that seems to have odd fruit growing on it.
I love the idea of a dragon fruit that actually hatches a real dragon – Flicker. Children love dragons and I’ve collected lots of texts to use with the book, but just need the opportunity to use them now.
This would be great for comparing with The boy who grew dragons as it’s also about what happens when a child, Mari, finds a tiny dragon when fossil hunting on the beach. Like Tomas, she has to decide what to do with this innocent creature, but she is a very different character to him. Pupils could compare the first meeting between the children and the dragon or look at the humour in Shepherd’s writing compared to the more serious approach of Ed Clarke’s prose.
I’ve just started reading this new book by Lari Don of short stories about girls in myths and legends from around the world. Short stories are so accessible and could be shared through lockdown, and after, to explore strong characters who make their own destinies within traditional stories.
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