A daily dose of poetry

I have always loved poetry! But not everyone does. It’s MARMITE!

When I was little I would recite poetry because I thought it sounded nice around my mouth (Mum said I loved an audience!) I enjoyed the sound of words and sang my heart out in school productions and later on stage in musicals like Godspell and Joseph and his amazing technicolour dream coat. (I said I was a frustrated actor – I was living the dream!)

When I became a teacher that love of language was at the heart of everything I did and right in the middle sat POETRY. As an N.Q.T. in London, I took part in the Oracy Project and saw the power of poetry. I spent the next 18 years, as a teacher, pouring poetry over children and bathing them in its glory!

But not everyone sees poetry like I do and some teachers avoid it or just do an ACROSTIC at CHRISTMAS! I truly believe that if you don’t like poetry, it’s just that you haven’t found the right poems for you. Don’t worry if you don’t know what they mean. Don’t be scared of not being a poet. Start by finding poems that you enjoy. Dip your toe in and soon you’ll be fully submerged. I promise.

Here are some poems that hopefully will help you.